Saturday, January 10, 2009

Call to Action

If you disagree with the decision made by WBZ and CBS to let go of Steve LeVeille and replace him with a syndicated show, let them know. Here is how:

  1. Write a letter to WBZ. Spend $0.42 on a stamp; it will be taken more seriously than an e-mail. When David Brudnoy's show was cancelled, a letter-writing campaign was largely responsible for bringing him back. WBZ's address is
    WBZ NewsRadio 1030
    1170 Soldiers Field Rd.
    Boston MA, 02134

  2. Do the same for CBS Radio.
    1515 Broadway
    New York, NY 10036

  3. Call the WBZ general manager, Ted Jordan. His direct phone number is 617-787-7570. His e-mail address is

  4. Keep letting WBZ's advertisers know that you will not support their products and services if they continue to sponsor the station.


  1. here's a letter to the editor (by Polly Wilbert of Salem) I found in today's Salem News

    >>"It had meaning, relevance, variety and interest; and it was based on the components of real relationships — personalities, quirkiness, agreements and disagreements, generosity of spirit, and much, much more."

  2. Steve LeVeille getting bounced was a financial decision - pure and simple. Radio stations rely on the revenue from 'spots' (ads) to make a profit. When the ads dry up they have to initiate layoffs. You can't keep paying the 'talent' if the ad revenue does not cover their salaries.

    BTW - CBS Corporation in New York owns WBZ and could not possibly care any less what the locals think about all of these layoffs.

  3. In case you haven't heard it worked!

  4. Ha, I love to see things like that. Consumer action works people!


This blog is not associated with Steve LeVeille or WBZ. It is from a former loyal WBZ listener returning WBZ listener! Contact me